The Pro Shop is open 7 days a week (except Christmas Day) from 8.00am until 6.00pm during the summer season, typically closing at 4.30pm (or when it gets dark) during the winter season.
We offer a range of logoed Club attire and merchandise together with a good selection of branded fashionable and/or hardy clothing, along with the latest clubs and gadgets, gloves, tees and that never-ending supply of balls!
We are also able to repair equipment on the premises as well as a re-grip service.
Electric trolleys, pull-trolleys and buggies are available to hire for those who need them.
We are able to source almost any golf product for you, even if we don't have it in stock.
Items can be ordered and delivered to our shop for free, usually within a couple of days and, if you're not happy with your purchase, we can send it back for free too!
02084 676 798
Summer: 8.00am - 6.00pm
Winter: 8.00am - 4.30pm